Closing Down/Quitting For Good
You don't know how much consideration I have given this and it's been a hard choice. As I mentioned, I will be quitting Spiral Live. You may wonder who would take over for me. Well Nick and I have been thinking of ways to decide. Maybe interviews? We don't know.
I am thinking of having one last HUZZAH party but I will need your help and the help of the community to do it. Crash a few servers and have an amazing time. Heck I might consider giving away a few crowns.

As for my other blog, yes I have another blog; you can find it here. This blog I use to write about my books, life, etc. I have only had it since March 14th and I already have 85 followers! That's a crazy lot of followers! Some people have 1,000 and I hope to become one of them someday :) Aside from all this, many of you have already followed my blog and I would love for more of you to follow it or check it out so we can keep in touch :) If you click here, it will take you directly to the follow page. Now what's a goodbye without the Von Trap Family?
To all of you in the community who I have met over the past 4 or so years, I want to thank you for being the most amazing friends and just being so warm and caring. There is not one day I won't think of all of you here in our amazing community. I want to especially thank a few people.
(No Order Intended. Sorry if you are not on this list but I could only fit a few people who have really came close to my heart.)
Edward Lifegem: Ed, you have been like a brother to me. For the past few years we have known each other you have been so supportive of me and we have shared many things from the Wizard City Protectors all the way to your birthday and beyond! I know that you will go far in our community and I hope you stay well! I will forever remember our silly chats about blogs and who has more viewers and followers and how I'd have to catch up to you :P Thanks for always being there for me Ed. Your a true friend :)
Nicholas Lionrider: Nick, don't even get me started. We argue sooooo much but thats what makes us the best of friends. We have shared so many things together it's not even enough to count! Wizard City Protectors, Shadowrider Academy, Spiral Live and so much more. Yea we still talk all the time and you get frustrated every time I can't make it to a Spiral Live episode (like tonight) but you and I are bros and even after W101, we will always chat and more. Thanks for being a really good partner and an amazing friend :)
Talon Thunderblade: Talon, you are probably the one in-game friend I have the closest friendship with. We have met IRL a few times and we will most likely meet up again. We have been bros since the beginning and nothing can change that. If it's skyping together and talking about W101, life, or dare I say it-girls, we always end up laughing and we are always going to be the best of friends. Thanks so much for all the great memories and all those card packs you gave to me when I asked ;)
Justin Shadowblade: Justin, where do I even start :P Going from Spiral Live mishaps, to revealing predictions of the new world and calling out KI, you sure have guts :P You've got an amazing sense of humor and I always enjoy the skype calls with you and Nick. I don't remember how long we have been friends but I can assure that you are a nice guy. Thanks for always being there for me Justin :)
John Spiritshade: Mr. Sparrowwood :P John, you have been an amazing friend from the start. Even though you live across the world, we always enjoy our conversations in-game and on skype. Long talks about HTML and web design, exchanging Wizard101 tips, we always had the best of time together. You run an amazing blog and I can't wait to see what you have in-store :) Thanks again for everything and for always helping me when I was about to die in Wysteria ;P
Autumn Dreamwalker: Whats there to say besides your one in a million :P Autumn, you were one of the first to know about my leaving Wizard101 and i'm glad I told you so we could have that interesting yet short talk on Facebook :P You have always been there for me in the best of times and the worst of times and you always were there when I needed someone to talk to. I am sooooooo glad I got to meet you a while back and start an amazing friendship because you really are an amazing friend :)
Lionblood Family (Tom, Bailey, and the kids): Let me just start off by saying I wish I had a family like yours :P You guys are some of the nicest people I have ever met in my whole life! I always enjoy talking to you guys on skype and having late night calls with Bailey :P Tom, let's just end it at you are an amazing guy. When you joined Spiral Live for episode 15 and you were giving away a 1,000 Crown code as a contest prize, when 5 people got the correct answer you gave them all 1,000 Crown codes. What kind of guy does that!?!? The Friendly Necromancer does :) Bailey, ever since we met by you being on Tom's XFire a while back and I thought it was him and then we met up in Grizzleheim, you have always been a true friend and always know how to make someone smile :) As for the family, you guys are just out of this world. Nothing could describe it better then that. Tom, Bailey, remember our Waterworks run with Fallon? Well you can always remember it here :) I will leave you guys with one thing.... "Mommy you me hero'd up?" ;)
Ravenwood Radio Cast: Stephen, Fallon.... Why do you guys have to be so epic? Honestly! You guys are amazing friends and I love logging on and having a nice chat with you guys. Stephen, when we do talk on skype, we have amazing convo's about W101 and life in general. Fallon, well we just talk about life and Wizard101 in-game :P You guys were there from the birth of Spiral Live helping us figure everything out and I just want to say thanks again for that. Spiral Live is no Ravenwood Radio but it is where it is today thanks to you guys :) You guys are two amazing people and I am so glad I got the honor to add and befriend both of you :)
Fallon Shadowblade: Fallon, we have been friends for quite some time and throughout this time we have had an amazing friendship. If it's questing in Mooshu or in Grizzleheim, we always have a blast. You have helped me countless times and we always enjoy late night rides on the Blood Raven :P I will always remember our adventures in Wizard101 and I want to thank you for being a really great friend and always helping me in the time of need. :)
Christina Icedreamer: Christina, you are an amazing person, flat out. When Nick and I were having problems with our Stephen interview on Spiral Live, you jumped in to help us and joined us on the show to save us from catastrophe! I remember Bailey, You, Jonathan, and Me were at Calypso and you were like "Blaze, you better have a friend slot open so I can add you ;)". Why do you have to be such an amazing person!!! UGH! I always will remember our discussions in game and I just want to say thanks for all the amazing memories :)
Kelsey Fireheart: Kelsey, ever since I first met you you have been such a great friend. If it's doing a few quests with Diana or Coco, or even just chilling at a house, we always have fun talks and amazing experiences. Do you remember when last year you me Diana and Coco were at a Dragonspyre house? I think that's when we met. Thanks so much for always being there for me and giving me someone to talk to :)
Cody Raventhorn: Coco for Coco puffs, where do I start ;P Well Cody, when we first met during Paige's spring dorm decorating contest and you had that stupendous garden, I knew we would become amazing friends. We have shared so many stories and we have traded many tips on housing. I will forever miss having you at my house and giving me tips on how to do a trick or if something looks good :P Aside from that, you were always there when I needed a hand in a battle or just someone to talk to. Thanks for being such an amazing friend and always being there for me :)
Diana Wildheart: Diana, where do I start... When we first met a while back, you and I became immediate friends :) That friendship took us on many paths such as dark dungeons, howling hyenas (What?) , and the Wizardly Board of Education :) From getting stuck in your house, to long long long battles in dungeons, we always pan out and I just wanted to say thanks for being there for me all this time :)
Paige Moonshade: Paige, the Housing Queen of the Spiral. Why do you have to be so kind? Just like Cody, you have always helped me in my time of need in housing and in battles. You have an amazing personality and you always were there when I wanted to talk :P I will always miss your tips you'd give me and I will miss seeing you at parties but Paige, thanks for being there for me and always lending a helping hand :)
Ditto: Where do I start off? The Fabricated American is full of surprises. You are most likely at Pax East right now and I wanted to go to it and possibly meet you but that never worked out :P Ditto, we started our friendship with an interview a long time ago and I am glad it happened because it led to us becoming great friends. When the Ravenwood Ball came around, my goal was to find you and I was un-able to. Thanks to Nick, I finally met you in-game and got to add you as a friend. Ever since, we have been great friends and I will miss our conversations :) I will always be checking your blog and I hope you are doing NaNoWriMo again ;) Thanks for being a great friend and Ditto, you are the #1 Fabricated American in the world ;)

*Keep It Frosty!* :)
EDIT: I just realized this is my 330th post so i'm glad I get to finish off on an even number ^_^
Thank you for helping me make my blog better, being a friend to converse with, and overall just being there! It saddens me to see you go, but I do follow your new blog, and I wish you luck with your novels! Keep Traveling!
DeleteThanks for your kind words. It was a pleasure to help you with your blog and just being friends. We will still stay in touch on Skype and in other ways.
What a heart felt message. Your legacy will forever live on my friend. Through thick and thin you've always been there to help me get back up and strive for higher goals. Thank you and the community will dearly miss you.
ReplyDelete~Keep It Dead
DeleteThank you for your kind words. We will always stay in touch via Skype and Facebook.
Thanks for the kind words and the good times, Blaze! Everyone moves on from W101 blogging eventually . . . well, except me . . . LOL! Seriously though, we'll tune in to your other blog and please keep us informed on your trek through awesomeness. PEACE. -The Friendly's
ReplyDeleteLol Tom :P I'm sure we will always remain in touch via skype, twitter, facebook and more :P I'm sure my trek through awesomeness will be a long yet epic one :P
DeleteWarmest regards to the family!
Wow thank you so much! We will all miss you, and yes those time were great! I remember when we first added each other in the game, you were saying you liked my blog and that really did mean a lot :) I am glad you said that. I am going to miss you and your posts! I will be reading your new blog though, don't worry about that. You are already great at blogging, I am sure you will be at the novels too. Thanks so much for being there for me too. Yes you are my true friend too! Make sure to send me tweets or messages on Facebook, Tell me how you are doing or what you are up to. I am glad we had a great friendship and hope we still do in the future. Sometimes I will be commenting on your blog posts on your other blog. Oh and tell me when you are on the game! 85 followers on your blog already!?!?! Last time we talked you had about 50 followers! You are doing great! Now for Spiral live, this blog, and everything you have participated and created I ENJOYED THEM ALL! You make so many great ideas, I am sure you will have no problem in real life :) Good luck! You seem like a brother to me too. Brothers Forever!
DeleteThanks ever so much for your kind words. That first time meeting each other was a day to remember :) It was at my 100th post party and you arived early and we chatted for a while and then we hung out for 2 hours before the party :P
I can't wait to see what amazing news is in-store on your blog because although i'm not playing W101 anymore, I want to know what that puzzle is ^_^ *cough cough* probably Avalon *cough cough* :P
As for my other blog, I really can't wait to read your comments because what else is better than friendly feedback :)
Good luck in life and I hope this finds you well. Brothers Forever! :D
This post is really, really touching. All I can say is thank you for your kind words Blaze. I wish you the absolute best of luck in the future, I just know you'll go on to do many great things. Just remember, there will always be a place for you here, and thank you for being a fanTASTIC member of the community. You're a really great guy, and you deserve every bit of success in life I'm sure you'll get.
ReplyDeleteGood luck, I'll be right behind you every step of the way.
Thank YOU for being awesome Blaze. :)
- Mr Sparrowwood... I mean John.
DeleteThank you for your thoughtful words. I am so glad I got to share a good 4 years in this community because it truely is amazing.
I wish you success as well with all your life wishes and the progress with the new A2Z website :) I'll be right behind you every step of the way as well :)
This is one nice post Blaze! I will definitely look forward to reading your other blog and reading your novels. I will do my best to keep in touch withb you via skype! Happy Pesach, have a good Seder and shabbat shalom!
ReplyDeleteIn other words thank you for all the neat things i have read/ learned on your blog!
i will hopefully see you in the spiral in a few months!
-Elijah LightThief
DeleteWe will keep in touch :) I hope you had a great Shabbat, a great seder, and I wish you the best for the next few days of Pesach.
Oh wow Blaze...
ReplyDeleteThat last post, that comment about me.. That gave me a huge smile(: What was really weird was that today was my birthday. Im pretty sure we'll meet again sometime. See ya, bro
DeleteI would start saying a few bad words to you right now for not telling me it was your birthday soooo......
HaPpY bIrThDaY to the best Twin ever :D Just check your skype for hehe my message ;P
We are def gonna meet again and prob chill sometime.
Your twin bro,
-Blaze :)
Oh my goodness!
ReplyDeleteI was shocked when I heard you were leaving the Spiral. You certainly had plenty going with your amazing blog, podcast, and everything else you were involved in!
I can't say I'm happy to see you go, but I understand that you've got "real life" to deal with (Reality? Who'd want to live there?).
I'm so glad I got to meet you, even if it was only for a short period of time!
Wherever you go, best of luck to you!
DeleteThank you so much for the kind words. Although we only met for a short period of time, i'm so glad I got to meet you because your a really nice guy and you run an amazing blog that I know will go far :)
Thanks again for your wishes.
Blaze; What can I say you've been a great blogger, writer and most of all friend it is sad to see you go but everyone in the wizard101 blogospere will remember you. Good luck in the next chapter of your life...
DeleteYour words are touching. I am so glad I was able to have you as a friend throughout my time with W101 :) Thank you for your wishes. I hope this finds you in good health.
Blaze - Thank you for including me in the final thoughts you shared with the community. I truly commend you for closing your blog while you are still enjoying the game. It's so much better than letting your blog wither away. You are going out classy and that's rare among gaming blogs in general. I hope you will leave your wizard in The Commons, so that when you log into your account as F2P you can join us at Ravenwood Radio parties once in a while.
DeleteAnd now it's time for me to thank you and the Spiral Live crew. The night you mentioned in your blog post helped me as much as it helped all of you. Going on the air impromptu the way I did helped me overcome my fear of live podcasting once and for all. I've always been very reluctant to be on the air live, but talking with you all live that night was very easy and a very positive experience. It's sort of like taming your fear of heights by going to the top of a tall building and deciding it's harmless. I thank you very much for welcoming me onto the air that night and opening up a new chapter in my podcasting efforts.
As you continue your journey, I leave you with my favorite farewell: Life is short. Game happy!
Blaze, I'm sorry I didn't see this post till now.
ReplyDeleteI didn't know you for long but you were an absolutely great friend.
I remember exchanging Skype calls with you and Nick, I had a great time and I lived being on Spiral Live with you :)
I'm sad to see you leave but I'm also happy as you are going further on and publishing your own book! I am very happy you!
Happy Voyages my friend! Hopefully you will come back someday and we can all catch up!
You were a good friend of mine and I will truly miss you :)
As you continue in life, I give you my thanks and my blessings for the future :)