King Gigi Calls Spritely

January 11, 2012 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

I called it. In my recent post I said that I would rank up my Fierce Hound to Teen and see what it gets.
"My new Fierce Hound I got from my Epic Bundle needs some Ranking Up to do. I might do that tonight and see if he manifests Spritely (like he is supposed to) or Feint." -Post on 1/8/11

I so called it.  All Fierce Hounds get Spritely (although I have heard of some that haven't). In my case King Gigi got Spritely :D Now I have two pets with Spritely. My Snake In a Basket and my Fierce Hound.

Here are King Gigi's stats now :D

King Gigi right before Spritely
King Gigi getting Spritely

King Gigi's talent slots with Spritely

Well I now need to get it to Adult and check what I will get because if I get Feint or something good I am gonna make it my pet I wear all the time over my Snowball Vaden.

Well thanks for reading :)



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