~Blaze Balance Got His Hydra Already~

December 29, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

WOW!!! I finally know what people mean when the say "Time Flies When Your Having Fun" lolz I have leveled up so many levels so quick on Blaze Balance it's not even funny! Blaze wants his Hydra spell so bad he will do anything for it lolz!!! Well.... It doesn't look like he will have to do something because..... HE GOT HIS HYDRA SPELL!!!!!!!! Although he prefers judgement especially in PvP he loves his Hydra xD        


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~PvP Rank Chart~

December 29, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

Hey peoplz!!!!!!!!!! If you are like me and you always forget the PvP Ranking Chart, here it is:


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December 29, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

I have been doing Ranked PvP matches and the Ranked Pet Derby and like I have had some ups and downs... First I started on my Balance which was a Sergent, then I lost it and went down to private  Then I decided to do some Pet Derby so I went on my Ice and did Pet Derby with my Colossus... After that I decided to do PvP on my Ice and so that where I am now... I actually on a roll!!! I haven't lost a match in 8 matches!!!  The good part is that I was a Private and now I ranking up level by level xD

of course I am #1 xD
Check out that PvP rating xD


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~Pet Update~

December 29, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

Well it took some time but it was worth it... I leveled up my Starfish to a teen and boosted my Colossus's stats  Although Starfish doesn't know Spritely... It still is a rockin pet though xD
As for my Colossus... He is an adult with rockin agility xD He is like my best pet ever xD 


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December 29, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

OH YEA!!! Blaze Balance just got into Dragonspyre!!!!! I'm soooooooooo happy. So like I was battling Cyrus Drake and I only had to use two full power judgements to kill him lolz. I only had a balance blade, bladestorm, and hex... The only part that matters is that.... I BEAT CYRUS DRAKE!!!!!!!  Look at my video and pic xD
                   Here is the video of me beating Cyrus Drake xD

Nice pic eh xD


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~Blaze Myth Loves His Minions~

December 29, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

Yes... The time has come when Blaze Myth gets his Cyclops Minion Spell  I am soooo HAPPY!!!! I finally don't have to use that old Troll and Golem Minion lolz xD Although all three of these minions are good.... nothing and I mean NOTHING is as good as the Minotaur minion xD Not to brag or anything but... cough cough I have some pretty good Cyclops summoning skills xD Check dis out peoplz
Yea your jealous xD I know... It rocks to be me lolz 


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~Blaze Storm Loves His Spells XD~

December 28, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

WOO!!! BLAZE STORM GOT HIS TEMPEST SPELL!!!! It was soooo easy lolz xD All he had to do was beat the konomicon in Temple of Fire in Krokotopia, and a few things in Wizard City.... IT ROCKS!!!! If you follow my good friend The Friendly Necromancer, you know his storm wizard, Angus just recently did this quest   Friendly talked about the Storm Bird that pops up and the amazing yet thrilling experiance Angus had XD  You can also watch a video of this on my YouTube Channel:


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December 28, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

WOOO!!!!!!! So if your wondering why I am SOOOOOOOO happy it is because after 6 tries of hatching with my Colossus...... I hatched with Alex (my IRL bro) and he had a Helephant.... I hatched and guess what I got......... ICE HELEPHANT BABY!!!! OH YEA!!!!!!!!!!!


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~Trial of Spheres~

December 28, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

Yes, the title is sort of self explanatory but....  I BEAT TRIAL OF SPHERES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could not have done that with out the help of:
Alex Hawk (my IRL bro)
Boris (best friend in W101)
and Boris's friend

I am soo excited but now I don't know what to do lolz...  I guess I gonna go work on my Myth, Balance, or Storm....


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~Level 60~

December 26, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

O YEA!!!!! I GOT TO LEVEL 60 BABY!!!!!!!! It took a while but it was soooo worth it! I am soooooo excited!!! 


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~Beating Calypso~

December 24, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

YEA BABY!!!! I BEAT CALYPSO!!!!!!!! It was soooo fun!!! Brahm was lucky enough to get the Power Nova amulet. I wish I got it..... It was still tons of fun xD


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December 24, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments



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December 23, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

So I was in the Hatchery yesterday and I decided to hatch with a Hydra. GUESS WHAT  I GOT!!!!!!!! XD
I got another Colossus :(


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~Level 59~

December 20, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

WOW... In 1 week I leveled up 3 levels xD I am sooooo proud of myself xD LOOK!!! I LEVEL 59!!! Look at my critical rating xD IT IS 93%!!!!!


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December 18, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

WOOO!!! I'M LEVEL 58 BABY!!! Yes this means... that I got my Snow Angel QUEST!!!!!!! It ROCKS!!! CHECK IT OUT!!! It took a while  but thanks to the Storm level 60 henchmen, Balance level 60 henchmen, and the Life level 60 henchmen... I GOT THE SNOW ANGEL SPELL!!! I was soooooo excited xD You can check the video of me doing the quest here on YouTube (I made the video to long so I am just including the video of me using Snow Angel for the first time: 



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Wizard101 in the United Kingdom!!!

December 17, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

Yes, it has finally happened!!! Wizard101 has come to the United Kingdom!!! Currently it is in beta so yea...  here is a link to the page:


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~Level 55 Wand Quest~

December 10, 2010 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

Alex, Brahm and I did the level 55 Wand quest!!! Look at the video...


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