An Interview with Paige Moonshade

I recently had the opportunity to interview the communities go-to housing guru, Paige Moonshade, to learn more about what got her into housing and what tips she has for all of us. Come check it out!
Hi Paige, thank you for agreeing to
this interview!
This is something I’ve wanted to make
happen for close to seven years now and I’m extremely glad that we are finally
able to link up.
To say the least, you have been a huge role-model and community leader within the KingsIsle scene since the early days of 2010. Your name is praised and admired throughout the Spiral for your vast knowledge of housing which so many people use as an inspiration to strive for.
To say the least, you have been a huge role-model and community leader within the KingsIsle scene since the early days of 2010. Your name is praised and admired throughout the Spiral for your vast knowledge of housing which so many people use as an inspiration to strive for.
For the one or two readers who don’t
recognize your name, why don’t you give them a quick overview as to who you
are, what Paige’s Page is and how you came to find Wizard101 as your second
I have been playing since 2008. I actually found the game from a commercial. I run Paige's Page it's main purpose is to help Wizards with decorating tips. Every July I run The Best Little Dorm in Wizard City Contest. (Winks) Yes it's coming, you heard it here first. ;)

What inspired you to get into housing and where do you get your inspiration from? Do you ever have designers-block (similar to writers-block)?
I love decorating, I use to make housing in another game. When housing came to Wizard101, I was so excited. That's all it took for me. Designers block yup sure do. Right now I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the Mirage apartments.
While at your Wizard’s Watchtower, I noticed that you have 52 teleporters that all lead to different houses! Which of these has been your favorite house to design so far and why?
Egad that's like telling me to pick a favorite kid. Winterwinds, Death and Darkmoor and my Marleybone Auto Repair. Let's not forget my Football Stadium.

When it comes to a rare item you want to include in a house, do you find it easier to farm creatures or the Bazaar for it?
Bazaar, unless it's no auction.
I just recently started housing magic and to be quite honest, it’s a lot to take in. What are some tips you would recommend to a Wizard who is confused as to where they should start?
Try the basics. Grab a spell card and a lever and experiment. Trail and error never hurt anyone
Speaking of housing magic, over the past year, the game updates have oddly been favoring housing users. What are your thoughts on housing in its current stage and where would you like to see it go in the future?
Give me more ;) We need more new furniture.

Everyone has an in-game feature that they wish existed and this is all the more common when it comes to housing designers like you and I. My list goes on and on haha but what about yours? What is one housing feature you have always wished KingsIsle would implement into Wizard101?
Being able to change textures of furniture. Take a sofa, changing texture can make that one sofa into many.
If you had to narrow it down, what is the one key component that can make or break a house (I.e. sticking to a specific theme, color choice, incorporation of items)?
Details, You can decorate though if you don't add those basic details such as: dishes, food, or items to give life to me the house just looks like it's sitting there. Every house I decorate has a tea pot of some sort in it.

You and I have both been a part of the community since 2010 and have seen it grow over the years. What is your favorite thing about our amazing community and is there anyone you would like to give a shout out to as we wrap this interview up?
I have actually been playing since DEC 2008. Central Jan 2009 Going twitter in 2010. Favorite thing? We're family.
Special Surprise!
You guys didn't think I'd conduct a whole interview with Paige without giving you an accompanying video house tour, right? Well here you go! Check out Paige's favorite houses, the Winter Wind Tower, Darkmoor Mannor and her illustrious Death House with a special surprise at the end for young Wizards ;)
If you aren't doing so already, make sure to check out Paige's blog, Paige's Page and throw her a follow on Twitter, @PaigeMoonShade.

Comment Time!
What was your favorite part of this interview with Paige and who would you guys like to see me interview next? Let me know in the comments below!
See you in the Spiral!
Great interview! Also, formatting: Swordroll approves.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jason! And yesssss, I got the Swordroll official Badge of Format. Can we make this a thing please? Similar to my Blog of the Month badge? K, thanks.