Purreau's Pet Pack Is Finally Here!
Purreau's Pet Pack has finally arrived in the Crowns Shop! Whats so special about it? What does it include? Keep reading to find out!
The new Purreau's Pet Pack comes with
- 12 new pets with tons of amazing new talents
- Tons of new pet snacks to rank up these pets
- Lots of new gardening seeds
- A huge assortment of new pet-themed housing items
That's a lot of new items! If your a pet collector, you are going to love this pack and this is why...
Isn't that sweet! Out of the 12 new pets, one of them is a Deer Knight which we have all looked forward to being a pet since the spell card came out. Here's a list of all the new pets and a quick tidbit of info on them.
- Deer Knight: 70 Pedigree; Gives 1 Feint card; Rumored to give the new talents Rises (gives 1 Deer Knight card) and Brazen Berserker (may cast Berserk)
- Smith: 62 Pedigree; Gives 1 Cooldown card; Rumored to give the new talents Conviction (gives 1 Conviction card) and Fearless Fortifier (may cast Fortify)
- Wildfire Treant: 56 Pedigree; Gives 1 Power Link card; Rumored to give the new talents Blazing Oak (gives 1 Wildfire Treant card) and Lively (incoming health bonus)
- Ram Warrior: 49 Pedigree; Gives 1 Pierce card; Rumored to give the new talents Defender (critical block bonus) and Bullheaded (gives 1 Minotaur card)
- Ladybug: 41 Pedigree; Gives 1 Unicorn card; Rumored to give the new talents Batusi (may cast Lifebat) and Medic (outgoing health bonus)
- Tailstorm Pantera: 49 Pedigree; Gives 1 Disarm card; Rumored to give the new talents Critical Striker (critical bonus) and Stormclaw (gives 1 Stormcat card)
- Toaddle: 62 Pedigree; Gives 1 Cleanse Charm card; Rumored to give the new talents Incredibly Infallible (may cast Infallible) and Boss Toad (gives 1 Boss Toad card)
- Burlap Boy: 56 Pedigree; Gives 1 Clockwork Golem card; Rumored to give the new talents Spirit Armor (gives 1 Spirit Armor card) and Magnificent Mender (may cast Mender)
- Chameleon: 46 Pedigree; Gives 1 Hydra card; Rumored to give the new talent Vehement Vanquisher (may cast Conviction)
- Meow Wing: 60 Pedigree; Gives 1 Cleanse Ward card
- Scorpion: 44 Pedigree; Gives 1 Scorpion card
- Frosty Fish: 45 Pedigree; Gives 1 Frostbite card; Rumored to give the new talents Rage of Winter (gives 1 Blizzard card) and Armor Breaker (armor piercing bonus)
- Fine Wood Golem: 46 Pedigree; Gives 1 Wood Construct card
- Fire Snowman: 54 Pedigree; Gives 1 Magma Man card
In addition to all this, I read this on Swordrolls Blog:
"The above talents and statistics are photo proven. Talents that do not have a proven matching pet include Ardent Amplifier (may cast "Amplify" spell),Every Day I'm Shufflin' (gives on Reshuffle card), Muscled Cat (gives one Muscled Cat card [600-680 Myth damage]), Expert Empowerer (may cast "Empowerment" spell), and Clock Spider (???).
We also know that there are undiscovered talents still, because Strength now affects outgoing healing, armor piercing, and stun resistance. Intellect now affects critical block rating, incoming healing, and stun resistance. Agility now affects critical rating, incoming healing, and armor piercing. Will now affects critical rating, critical block rating, and outgoing healing."
What really caught my eye was the new talent Every Day I'm Shufflin'. Sounds like LMFAO much? I really look forward to this spell because I know Talon Thunderblade and I would do ANYTHING for this talent xD
So what do you think? Do you like these new talents and pets? Which is your favorite new pet? Comment bellow and tell me because i'd love to hear what you have to say.
Actually, since I was unable to post a Trivia Tuesday trivia, I decided that I will make a giveaway in this post! All you have to do is count up how many times I used the word "new" aside from that one and then comment with your answer. The first correct answer wins a tier 7 KIFG code!
Anyways, thanks for reading and keep adding entries for the contest which ends in 11 days!
See you in the Spiral!
-Blaze Shadowhorn
New Pets information gathered from Wizard101 and swordroll.com
For more information check:
ReplyDeleteMust have been difficult to gather all of that pet information piece by piece. :P