~Going AFK from blogging for a few days~

June 30, 2011 Blaze Shadowhorn 0 Comments

Hey guys! So tomorrow, my family from California is flying in so I won't be able to blog as much. I am just gonna type up a few posts today and schedule them so they post in the days to come. Anyways so if your on twitter and you follow me you probably know I was in New York. I am gonna make a post about that soon. I have *counts* a lot of pictures that I will be posting. It is gonna ROCK! Oh and only 4 more days till the 4th of July party!!! Cya then and remember the party info is the following:

  • Time - 9pm-12am Eastern Time
  • Pickup-Ice Tower
  • Realm-Scarecrow
  • Area-1

My other wizard (Blaze Shadowhorn Storm level 1) will be in the Ice tower the whole time waiting for guests to arrive so he can take them to the party


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